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8761-51 ave NW Edmonton, AB

Building Blocs 3: Progression

Building Blocs 3 is an advanced 5-week bouldering course designed for V4-V5 climbers seeking to transition into higher grades and push their climbing abilities further.

This course has a strong emphasis on advanced static and dynamic movement, climbing technique, coordination skills, and improving body position on the wall to elevate your performance. 


Brett Hogg – BLOCS Head coach, Routesetter 


Each week consists of: 

  • Skills Training (on and off the wall) 
  • Drills to focus on various weaknesses 
  • Wrap up with Q&A 
  • “Homework” to practice between sessions 



This course will meet twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays.

  • 1 instructional day + 1 auxiliary day each week

Next Session Start Date:  BB3 will return in 2025

* NOTE: BB3 will not run on holidays

Want to take the course, but it’s full or you can’t make the next session? Ask at our welcome desk to be added to the waitlist and notified when a new session comes up!


 7pm – 9pm


  • Be climbing BLOCS V4-V5 (yellow tapes)
  • Be 16 years or older  


$310 + gst*
Members receive a 10% discount on this course ($279 +gst).
Payment will be adjusted upon registration.

*NOTE: Entry fee is not included.

Purchase of a one month membership along with the course (at time of registration only) gets you membership pricing and access to the gym for the entire course (get a few extra days for free!).

NOTE: This course will only run with a minimum of 5 people. 

Additional Information

Please be considerate of others. If you signed up and can no longer make the course, please let us know at