Building Blocs 2: Development
Building BLOCS 2: Development runs once a week for 4 weeks and is designed for adults (16 years or older) climbing v2-v3.
Join us for an exciting 4-week bouldering course, Building BLOCS 2 (BB2)! Held every Wednesday for two hours, Building BLOCS 2 is perfect for V2-V3 climbers aspiring to reach higher grades. Led by an experienced instructor, participants will learn intermediate climbing techniques and delve into mental strategies for climbing. Immerse yourself in a dynamic learning environment, explore different climbing styles, and experience the joy of progression in a structured and encouraging setting!
- Warm-up
- Foot matching
- Hand matching
- Direction of Pull / Intermediate Route Reading
- Intermediate Climbing Movements & Skills
- Dynamic Climbing
- Projecting
Every Wednesday for 4 weeks
Next session Start Date: Feb 5
Want to take the course, but it’s full or you can’t make the next session? Ask at our welcome desk to be added to the waitlist and notified when a new session comes up!
- Be over the age of 16 years
- Climb V2-V3 (orange tape)
- Building BLOCS 1 is recommended, but not required
- $110 + GST*
- Members receive a 10% discount on this course ($99 + GST).
- Payment will be adjusted upon registration.
*NOTE: Entry Fee is not included.
Space is limited, so sign up below or at the welcome desk.
This course will only run with a minimum of 3 people.
Please be considerate. If you’ve signed up and can’t make the course, please let us know at info@blocsclimbing.com
If this is your first time at BLOCS, please fill out our waiver online, and arrive 15 – 30 mins early to receive our orientation and get rental shoes if you need them.