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8761-51 ave NW Edmonton, AB

Building Blocs 2: Development

Building BLOCS 2: Development runs once a week for 4 weeks and is designed for adults (16 years or older) climbing v2-v3.

Join us for an exciting 4-week bouldering course, Building BLOCS 2 (BB2)! Held every Wednesday for two hours, Building BLOCS 2 is perfect for V2-V3 climbers aspiring to reach higher grades. Led by an experienced instructor, participants will learn intermediate climbing techniques and delve into mental strategies for climbing. Immerse yourself in a dynamic learning environment, explore different climbing styles, and experience the joy of progression in a structured and encouraging setting!


  • Warm-up 
  • Foot matching 
  • Hand matching 
  • Direction of Pull / Intermediate Route Reading 
  • Intermediate Climbing Movements & Skills 
  • Dynamic Climbing 
  • Projecting



Every Wednesday for 4 weeks
Next session Start Date: Mar 12

Want to take the course, but it’s full or you can’t make the next session? Ask at our welcome desk to be added to the waitlist and notified when a new session comes up!




  • Be over the age of 16 years
  • Climb V2-V3 (orange tape)
  • Building BLOCS 1 is recommended, but not required


  • $110 + GST*
  • Members receive a 10% discount on this course ($99 + GST).
  • Payment will be adjusted upon registration.

*NOTE: Entry Fee is not included.

Space is limited, so sign up below or at the welcome desk.
This course will only run with a minimum of 3 people.

Please be considerate.  If you’ve signed up and can’t make the course, please let us know at

If this is your first time at BLOCS, please fill out our waiver online, and arrive 15 – 30 mins early to receive our orientation and get rental shoes if you need them.