BLOC FIGHT: Season 3 – Round 3
DATE: Saturday, Mar 29th, 2025
Please make note of your category and what time you are competing!
A-Tier and C-Tier: 2:00 to 4:45 pm
- 2:00pm Technical Meeting
- 2:15pm Climbing Starts
- 4:45pm Climbing Ends
- ~5:15pm Awards for A-Tier and C-Tier!
B-Tier and S-Tier : 5:00 to 7:45 pm
- 5:00pm Technical Meeting
- 5:15pm Climbing Starts
- 7:45pm Climbing Ends
- ~8:30pm Awards for B-Tier and S-Tier!
FORMAT: Modified scramble
The competition will run in a modified scramble format.
- Competition problems will be set in a designated area in the gym.
- Each category will have a set of boulder problems to climb at their own pace during the competition.
- Competitors can decide when and in what order to climb their boulder problems.
- During the competition, you can watch other competitors climb, share beta with them, and look at your boulder problem beforehand!
We recommend that you sign up for your category based on the grades you climb at BLOCS IN A SINGLE CLIMBING SESSION!
- C Tier – I climb red and some orange tags in one session. If you’ve climbed a yellow tag, please join B-Tier.
- B Tier – I climb orange and some yellow tags in one session. If you’ve climbed a green tag in a single session, please join A-Tier.
- A Tier – I climb yellow and some green tags in one session. If you’ve climbed a blue tag in a single session, please join S-Tier.
- S Tier – I climb green tags and up in one session.
BLOCS approximate grade scale
- red tags: v0 – v1
- orange tags: v2 -v3
- yellow tags: v4 – v5
- green tags: v6 – v7
- blue tags: v8 – v9
- purple tags: v10+
COST: $30 (plus drop in fee, if applicable) +gst
Note: Members receive a 10% discount on this event ($27 +gst). Payment will be adjusted upon registration.
PRIZES: Although the categories will not be gendered, top male and female of each category will be awarded prizes. Please choose which prize you would like to be considered for.
VOLUNTEER: Don’t want to compete, but still want to be involved? We’re looking for some judges to help out with the competition. No experience necessary! For more info or to sign up, please click on the volunteer link below.
NOTE: All climbers must have a facility waiver signed prior to checking in for the event. CLICK HERE to sign waiver online.
Space is limited, so register below! Registration is open up until the event.